
Dr. Juli Mazi ND

According to Dr. Juli Mazi ND, natural meals that will keep you warm and well-fed throughout the winter season are the focus of this essay. Foods strong in vitamin C, zinc, and magnesium may help strengthen your immune system and prevent the spread of colds, no matter how ill you are. These meals are not only delicious, but they are also a terrific method to strengthen your immune system and fight off colds and flu.

In the winter, it's hard to get motivated to eat healthfully. We may turn to cakes and cookies as a result of a scarcity of fresh fruit in our local supermarkets. We may also seek heartier foods when it's cold outside. Shelf-stable meals are a good alternative if you're not a huge admirer of baking. Nut butter and dried fruit may also be used to produce your own vitamin- and mineral-packed winter mixes.

Additionally, winter superfoods are filled with antioxidants, unsaturated fats, and other nutrients that aid in the prevention of colds and flu. You can improve your immune system and fight illness by eating these foods. During the winter months, include these items into your diet on a regular basis in order to get the most benefits. When you don't get sick again this year, you'll be glad you did what you did.

Ginger is a great item to eat throughout the winter months. For millennia, ginger has been utilized as an anti-inflammatory and digestive aid. Fresh ginger roots are only picked in the colder months of the year, even though it is accessible all year round. To get the advantages of ginger, try cooking with it or drinking a warm cup of tea flavored with it. Another winter superfood is Haldi Doodh, a famous drink that includes turmeric.

Dr. Juli Mazi ND pointed out that citrus fruits are another item to add in your diet throughout the cold season. Vitamin C, which is abundant in these, aids your body's immune system in fighting off infections. Vitamins A, C, and E, as well as other nutrients, are found in these foods. Eat more citrus and bell peppers than you think. Phytochemicals in these meals help your immune system function better. You'll be pleased you made the effort. Don't forget to stay hydrated throughout the winter months.

Vitamin C is found in abundance in dark leafy greens. They may alleviate coughing and chest congestion. Good bacteria in yogurt may help decrease the duration of a cold by two days. Milk is a good source of vitamin D, and adding a little salt to it can keep it fresher, too. Broccoli and mushrooms both help to strengthen the immune system. Even though the winter months might be dreadful, you can prepare your body for a healthy spring with these fantastic natural foods.

You can keep your immune system strong by eating spinach. It's chock-full of vitamin C and fiber, both of which help regulate digestion. Antioxidants and zinc, both of which are abundant in these foods, may help strengthen your immune system and keep the common cold at bay. Whole grains should also be a part of your daily diet. Inflammation may be reduced by eating whole grains, which have anti-inflammatory effects. Maintaining a healthy gut is essential since it accounts for 70% of your immune system's functions.

Soup is an excellent option that you should keep in mind. In addition to adding bulk to your diet and bolstering your immune system, soups are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. If you can, go for one that has a vegetable broth as the foundation. Spices like turmeric, cayenne, and garlic may easily be added to enhance the taste. Add a little black pepper to your soup for a little kick. Then, have fun!

In Dr. Juli Mazi ND’s opinion, brussels sprouts are a terrific natural vegetable to include in your cold-season diet. Vitamins and minerals are found in plenty in these scrumptious veggies. Harvest time is normally in the late autumn or early winter. Avocado oil and sea salt may be used to bake or sauté them. Try making smoothies out of them if you're not a fan of cooking. Vitamin C and pectin are abundant in these fruits and veggies. Cholesterol may be reduced by consuming these foods.

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